General Ultrasound

Abdominal Ultrasound

An upper abdominal ultrasound scan is used to assess the pancreas, aorta, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, kidneys and spleen. It is also used to check for fluid in the abdomen (ascites). Gallstones, liver and kidney cysts, aortic aneurysms and other abnormalities can be assessed with ultrasound.

Pelvic Ultrasound (female)

This scan is used to view the uterus (womb) and ovaries for things such as irregular, heavy or painful bleeding, ovarian cysts, or other disorders for pelvic pain and other symptoms.  Whilst adequate visualisation is achieved by scanning on the lower abdomen skin surface with a full bladder, a trans-vaginal scan may be necessary for optimal assessment.  If you have any questions please call our clinic and our female sonographer will be happy to discuss any queries you may have.

Renal Ultrasound

A renal ultrasound scan is used to assess the urinary bladder and kidneys to check for stones, obstruction to flow, lesions and other abnormalities.  The prostate may also be assessed during this scan.

Small Parts Ultrasound


An ultrasound scan of the thyroid is used to check for cysts, nodules, and abnormalities and to assess the size and offer follow-up assessment.


An ultrasound scan of the breast is used to assess a palpable lump or to monitor the size of previously seen lesions.


An ultrasound scan of the scrotum is used to assess a palpable lump, testicular pain, epididymal lumps or abnormalities. It is also used to assess the scrotal size and to rule out testicular torsion, hydrocele and varicocele.

Lumps and bumps

An ultrasound scan is also used on a variety of palpable lumps and bumps to assess their location and appearances.  This will give your GP information regarding treatment and outcome.

Foreign Body

An ultrasound scan is used to check for the presence of a foreign body and mark the location for removal if required.